Great chat with my friend Polly Cochrane, SVP and Group Marketing Director at Warner Bros Ent. in London. Polly has a staff of 40 selling WB movies to Europe. Forget the $200m movie – strong hints from Polly that WB might be eyeing the 1st $1 billion movie.
Zach Snyder has just started principal photography on Batman v Superman – Dawn of Justice from War. With a cast that includes Ben Affleck as the caped crusader, Henry Cavill (Superman), Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane returning from “Man of Steel,” Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, and Holly Hunter in a role newly created for the film and a script by David S Goyer (The Dark Knight Rises) – could this hover close to the $1b?
Think BIG, film-makers!