I had a great trip to Film London last week to chat to Tessa Inkelaar (Development Producer). She gave excellent advice on how to get your first feature made and distributed.
And the first big pointer was to get a “professional” short film made with some public money ie to get yourself on the map of subsidized cornerstone finance – the BFI, Film London and other screen agencies, Media, Film Four, BBC Films and so on.
Film London is offering grants of up to £15,000 to make a short – the deadline is noon 22nd October. See below for the link.
This October we’re seeking to recruit at least two more film-makers aiming at a first feature/major TV Drama. Do check our programme outlines – we’re here to shorten the odds of getting your films made, distributed and recouping.
Hover on our “Programmes” button and check the drop-down list for The Storytelling for the Screen and Directing for the Screen programmes.
For the Film London awards apply online here www.filmlondon.org.uk/londoncalling