Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway – do it in 2014

December 12, 2013 StephenMay


jumping-off-cliffThe scientist-philospher-priest, Teilhard de Chardin, defined one of the challenges of living a full life in these terms, “Instead of standing on the shore and convincing ourselves that the ocean won’t carry us, let us venture onto the waters – just to see.”

Or, as the best selling author Susan Jeffers puts it, “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”

Self-doubt is the death of creativity – and, yet, it is the default position of so many of us who try to create.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin – Scientist, Philosopher & Jesuit Priest

So let the Screen Arts Institute help you to dismiss those gnawing voices.  Everything that we do is designed to celebrate the process – to introduce you to a like-minded tribe of creators – and in that tribe a group-confidence inevitably develops.   Don’t stand alone – check our programmes, join us and make 2014 the year that you took wing.