Classic Cinema – Workshops for Filmmakers 2017

May 6, 2017 StephenMay


DETAILS FOR: Classic Cinema – Workshops for Filmmakers 2017

Each week:

May 15th – Aug 25th
Fridays: 10.30 – 5pm  Workshop

This a series of x 16 day-long workshops.  Each workshop is prompted by a classic movie, but links, immediately, to the attending filmmaker’s works-in-progress.

Filmmakers will work in small groups:
•    investigating the structure of their own movies
•    “re-writing” through the lens of new craft ideas
•    examining the primary commercial value of their works-in-progress
•    discussing and making presentations on why the viewed movie does or does not “work”

Attendees receive movie resources in advance of each workshop and must watch the designated movie in advance.

The primary purpose of this series of workshops and case studies is to inspire filmmakers who are in the process of script writing and story development.

It is an opportunity to:
•    be inspired by great work.
•    be reminded that film-grammar is arguably as important a story tool as scripts and story-structure.
consider the different “shapes” of storytelling within given genres and
types of audience manipulation.
network with talented filmmakers and industry mentors.

Places are by invitation.
If you would like to attend, email:


CLASSIC CINEMA Workshops for Filmmakers – SAI Resources